Everything begins with an idea
--E. Nightingale
Hi to all,
The other day someone asked me about making my recycled collage paper pendants. You can get a look at them on my Etsy site; there are a few designs there and this link will take you to one of them. Below is a picture of some of my recycled pendants.
Recycled Paper Pendants by annemadethis |
So Pam, here is my "how-to" on making the pendants. These are the supplies & tools you will need:
small piece of corrugated cardboard (at least 3"X 3")
2- eye pins not more than 1" (I prefer to use silver plated findings, they always look nice and shiny)*
1-1.5-2" head pin*
1-5mm-6mm jump ring*
a few small beads
magazine scraps
Tacky glue
Triple thick(R) gloss glaze
2 toothpicks
styrofoam egg carton
paper plate
Optional: stamps, paint
Tools: scissors, jewelry pliers and wire cutters, 1/4" soft and 1/4" stiff brush, hot glue gun
These are some of the tools and supplies you will need. This photo may help you locate them in your craft store.
1. Take corrugated cardboard and measure into 2- 1' X 1 1/2" rectangles. (see below). Cut the two small rectangles out.
2. Take one rectangle, line up the 2 eye pins in the center of the rectangle as shown below.
3. Now using a hot glue gun, set the two pins in position.
4. Using the hot glue gun again, glue the two rectangles together (like a sandwich), with the eye pins on the inside. Make sure both eye pins stick out and the rectangles are lined up evenly.
5. Now the fun part begins! Cut your magazine scraps into strips about 1/4" and about 3 1/2" long. Squeeze some tacky glue in a paper plate. Using the tacky glue, glue one strip around the rectangle in one direction and then take another strip and wrap it around the other way.
6. Continue this process until you cover the entire piece of corrugated cardboard, all sides and front and back.
7. Now you can decorate your pendant with tiny snippets from magazines, newspapers, and scrap paper. Cut out words, tiny pictures numbers or designs, really anything you want. You can also use paint or stamping to enhance your design. Remember to decorate both side. Let glue dry.
8. The next step is glazing the pendant. Squeeze out a little Ultra-thick (R) on a paper plate . Hold the pendant by the eye pin or with a toothpick, use the stiff 1/4" brush to cover the pendant with the Ultra-Thick(R) glaze. Cover completely and let it dry at least 30 minutes. If the weather is very humid, the pendant may need to dry overnight. Use toothpick and the egg carton to hold the pendant while it is drying. You need to put two coats of the Ultra-Thick (R) glaze on the pendant.
9. While pendant is drying, we are going to assemble the beads which hang below the pendant. String beads on the head pin. Use the remainder of the headpin to form a loop. For more detailed instructions on
how to make headpin loop, go to this link. Then using a
jump ring attach the headpin to the eye pin on the bottom of the pendant. If you are not sure about these last directions, go to the links, that will help.
10. Last step is to put on bail. Attach bail to the top eye pin. Now you can wear your pendant on a chain, a ribbon or a leather cord. And here is your finished pendant. Enjoy it!!
Try making the pendant, let me know how it goes--send me a picture of your creation.
Don't forget the free annemadethis giveaway. Read my December 27th blog for entry directions. Drawing will be on January 25th!